Vouchers are used to unlock special dishes, build/charge items, instantly fill catering truck boxes, and expand your cafe!
There are various ways to earn vouchers, and it often involves a bit of luck, as the drop rates vary. The Golden Voucher and the Black Joker Voucher are the most challenging to obtain. Inviting celebrities, playing the Lucky Chef Spin, visiting and helping friends, sending Daily Orders, and engaging in kitchen actions like cooking or cleaning are excellent sources for winning vouchers.
You can also purchase vouchers from the bank, where special discounts are often available!
Please note that you can collect a maximum of 1000 vouchers of each type in the game through rewards and drops. Once you reach 1000 vouchers for any voucher type, you must spend some in order to be able to collect more again through free game actions.
The Yellow Voucher is necessary to expand your cafe, and the larger your expansion, the more yellow vouchers you require.
The Black Joker Voucher instantly fills a catering box! You don't need to cook the required dish when using a black voucher on that box. Currently, the black voucher can only be earned through Daily Orders!
All other vouchers are utilized to charge Premium Booster Items, unlock food from the menu, and build Vending Machines and Fun Items.
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