If you think your points are not being counted, close and reopen the game completely. Data loss can occur if the game is left open for a long time!
We noticed while investigating that the issue that happens to players who keep their game running for too long without switching it off.
Please make sure when you aren't playing, the game is fully closed and it isn't running in the background.
If you are also playing for longer hours without a break, please again fully close the game app now and then to refresh the connection with the servers.
To fully close the app, please do following steps:
Click on your main home button on your device while the game is open. For devices without a home button go to your home screen.
Then, on the same button, double click for Apple devices with a home button, swipe up for devices without a home button. Press and hold for Android devices to open your "tray".
Find Cafeland in your tray and terminate it by dragging it off the screen.
Return to your home screen and reopen your game.
This won't change the lost truck points but it will help you to prevent the issue happening in the future.
It could be also that your game takes a while to receive the data from the servers due to your connection speed or device condition. To make sure if that's not the case, go back to the truck popup and close it with the X button on the top corner.
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