Unlike before, where one wholesale sauce would clear all the food on a counter at once, a while ago, this was changed, and now one wholesale sauce sells only 5000 servings.
Please check first how many servings you have on the counter and use sauces accordingly. If you do not have enough sauces to sell all the food on that counter, you will still have food remaining on your counter.
As you can see in the image above, you can change the number of sauces you want to use with the '+ and -' buttons on the wholesale popup. It also shows you how many servings will be deducted from the food on that counter and how many coins you will receive from the sale.
Example: If the counter has more than 5000 servings, such as 5149 servings, using one wholesale sauce won't clear the counter; you will still have 149 servings left on the counter after using one wholesale sauce.
You would need to use 2 wholesale sauces to clear a counter with 5149 servings. As mentioned before, you can adjust the number of sauces using the '+' and '-' buttons.
More examples:
120 wholesale sauces can sell a maximum of 600,000 servings
2 wholesale sauces will sell a maximum of 10,000 servings
You can check the number of servings you have on the counter and quickly calculate in your mind to see if the number of sauces you are going to use will be enough to clear the food from your counter.
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