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Special Event Buying System



  • Shell A

    I completely agree!
    Now they’re taking away our rights to choose what items we want for our cafe!

  • Trupti

    I agree. The new system is ridiculous. We need to raise a complaint so that they revert it to the previous system.

  • heather

    This is beyond horrible. Special event items used to be a huge reason i played. If its completely random then theres literally no point because i will never get enough of particular items to properly decorate. How did this seem like a good idea? So disappointed.

  • Anne Wiley

    It is bad. You can not decorate the way you want. CHANGE IT BACK!

  • Mary Hougaard

    What the heck were you thinking developers?? Random special event items? Really.? This is the worst change ever and there have been some bad ones. Why make it totally random? How do you decorate when you can't get what you want. You can't even buy the needed icon to speed up the process. Lame, useless, serves no purpose.  change back!! . Folks are not going to spend real money to speed up cooking for points that get you a dull wallpaper square.! At least with spinner it feels random and you have some control, which you reallly don't. With the original cafeland done in Dec. I would think you would want to entice playe to join mobile. 

  • Mary Hougaard

    I would think you want to entice more players rather than incite a mass exodus! Please share your thinking or some logical explanation as to why you'd ruin a good thing in the middle of a world pandemic! This game should create a fun place to escape life's frustrations, not create more.

  • Sue Rose

    Totally agree with above comments. There is no point playing the special event now as you can’t get what you want. How on earth can you redecorate if you can’t get enough tiles or wallpaper?  Whoever thought this up doesn’t understand the players of this game and how some of us like to redecorate. Why change something that was working well?

  • rebecca

    They don't deserve such loyal players like us!!! 

    WE, the players are the reason this game exists.

    WE are the reason Gamegos makes MILLIONS per year.

    What we are asking for is not unreasonable!!

    I am astounded at this awful change. Who on earth thought this was a good idea?!!

    The main focus of the game is the ability to design and redecorate your cafe - but with this new change, users have NO SAY in what they want or don’t want in their own cafe!!!!  It’s just COMPLETELY SENSELESS. 40,000 pretzels for one tile? This is a huge blow to players. There is a whole movement online starting now, Gamegos will lose hundreds upon hundreds of players because of this. There was nothing wrong with the way events used to be. This change is senseless and it’s making us loyal players feel absolutely horrible and we need things to go back to how they were. Or we just simply can’t play the game anymore.

    Real talk, I’m not being dramatic when I say that if they don’t change back to how the events used to be, i'm quitting the game for good. And my friends too. This is bullshit. If i cant decorate my cafe the way i want to, cant expand and don't have new quests, then the game is just a waste of time!!!

  • Mary Hougaard

    I strongly suggest putting the post on the apps game page review. More people will see it. Also post on cafeland community page enough complaints might create achange.

  • Larissa

    Puxa tenho até a ajuda especial que gasto dinheiro para pagar mais itens especial de evento.. para não ter direito de escolher.
    Aí quando fui tentar a "sorte" me veio papel de parede...
    Ficou HORRÍVEL....

  • jennifer

    Horrible update! What the heck were the developers thinking? I play this game loyally because I enjoy decorating my cafe HOW I WANT TO. This update has taken away my ability to get the specific items I want. It makes me want to quit

  • Alison Reyes

    Hands down, this is the only reason I play this game. You didn't even ask your customers what they preferred. U took it upon yourself to change things up without warning. And u have to have 40000 points to open the box only to get a random tile? There is no way to decorate your restaurant in this time frame. And decorating gives u a sense of accomplishment. I'm speaking for myself but please something needs to be done. I'm not excited about this event. LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!!


  • mackenzie

    Random special event gifts are pointless.  It was nice the old way to pick how we could use the special event prizes to enhance our cafe decoration.  The changes have made it useless.  Very sad that choice was taken away.

  • Kamy

    I completely agree ! Please return the old system for special Events and also create news things such as tables, chairs, Halloween decorations in the game store (Shop) with corners so that everyone could buy not only at specials Events.

  • Culinary Champs

    Please change back to giving us a choice what we buy on Special Events. You have taken the fun away for me. 

  • DeenaAsali

    The worse update ever i can't choose what i want and entered to talk about it and found players talking about it like crazy since it happend and no change at all... do you even care what we are asking for?!
    And stop changing stuff every few days at least not for worse please i wanna choose the halloween event stuff you don't choose for me

  • Alison Reyes

    I thought for sure that after the last buying event ended things would change back to normal. Everyone seems to be in agreement and if the majority has a huge problem with this, they would change back to normal. Why don't the people who make these types of changes listen to us players? Without us. U would've have a game. Last event I really wanted Halloween tables and I randomly got one but oddly enough I randomly got about 10 pumpkins. So discouraging and the fun It used to be is gone. I love to decorate my restaurant but I can't because who can with 10 pumpkins and a random chair.

  • Alison Reyes

    You will lose a lot of customers this way. And im a paying customer. I know someone out there would be pleased to get my business
    FIX IT !!!!!

  • heather

    I've been trying to be patient for them to fix this but im starting to think they legit just don't care. If they don't fix it soon both me and my money will be going elsewhere.

  • jennifer

    I quit playing. The only way I'll EVER come back is if I hear that they changed it back to the old buying system

  • Dolly

    I totally agree. we cant design our cafe as we want. we get random things and sometimes the same things over and over. need to get back to the old system where we can buy what we want. that was easy and fun.

  • heather

    The only reason i still play at all is to help my team for tournaments. I no longer spend any money on the game whatsoever and dont spend any time playing that isny necessary to help my group. Im so fed up that im considering not playing at all despite how much i love my team. I miss having fun decorating my cafe.


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