Help with catering orders
I have some suggestions regarding the feature where we can request help with catering orders. First of all, as I understand it when you have a category and it doesn't require mastery, when you request help with it then any dish will do. But when our fellow league members donate the bag orders to us we can't use them unless the order is completely filled. Yet when we have a category order on our online ordering machine, we can request help and then pick the dish that we are working on. I think it should be the same for catering.
I also think we should be able to request assistance when it is a category order where the dish requires mastery. I realize the reason it is probably unavailable is because of the fact that we are required to have mastered the dish and so if we request the dish from fellow league members it may or may not be something they have mastered. But there should be a way to still be able to request it and then it could have some kind of symbol that shows the other league members they can only donate if it is something that they've mastered. When they try to donate it could come up and say something like warning: you have not mastered this dish so the other player will be unable to use your donations for this order. I think that would be really beneficial. Because if someone else has mastered it they should still be able to donate to us.
Warum braucht man so viele unsichtbare Kuchen bei der Catering Bestellung . Die Hälfte würde auch reichen , da es oft ewig dauert bis man liefern kann . Das sollte unbedingt geändert werden.
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