
  • Total activity 22
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Recent activity by Jennie Recent activity Votes
  • Eva's Special Drinks in mini game

    I would like to know why when I leave the game and I come back and the number of the special drinks earned is at ZERO when I return. I have not been able to collect the 25 drinks in months. I pla...

  • Eva’s special drinks

    When I left the game last night I had 24 of Eva’s special drinks.  When I returned to the game today, there was ONE drink showing.  I would very much appreciate it if you could find the time to sen...


    I cannot believe this.  I opened my game today and it says I am on level “5” instead of 155.  I worked so hard to get where I was.  Can you please help me to get my game back.

  • Visiting other chefs

    I have often wondered why our customers clear out of our cafes and no tips are left while we are visiting our chef friends.  Can you tell us why?  This is part of the game but we lose money while v...

  • My game is stuck

    You said YOU were gonna restart my game. It is stuck saying “The game will now restart”. It has been hours and it has not restarted. Pls fix it or I will delete. I have spent more money on this...