In order to join the Tournament, you need to belong to a Cafe Club. If you don't now how to do that, we suggest you read the What are cafe clubs and how can I join/create one? article first.
All set? Let's begin!
The Tournament starts on Thursday and ends on Monday each week. In order to participate, your club needs to be an active club. This means any activity must have been performed within the club in the past 10 days. Members can join or quit, chat in group chat or answer help requests and all these are counted towards being active. If your club is inactive, it is excluded from the current Tournament.
Before each Tournament Season starts, League groups are formed with random clubs chosen from the same League. So, if you are in League 3, you'll be matched with other Cafe Clubs from League 3 and you'll all race against one another to reach League 2.
Members in a club are all given a Task List they can complete. Tasks included in this list differ from member to member. These tasks are the only source for tournament points which will help your club rise in ranks!
At the end of each Tournament Season, clubs in the same League group are lined according to these tournament points, and the first three clubs go up to the better League, while the last three clubs falls to the lower League. If you go down a league, you will not receive rewards. Tournament points are reset after each tournament session.
Each task has a time limit and after it is accepted by the player, it should be completed within the given time.
When a member completes 10 tasks, a gift is sent to all the other club members.
There are three types of gifts given upon task completion: Bronze Gift, Silver Gift and Golden Gift. As you league up, you get a better chance at earning Silver or Golden Gifts!
League 1 is the best League whereas League 10 is the lowest.
There is no option to opt out of Leagues and the Tournament, but players or Clubs can simply ignore this feature. However, winners of the tournament sessions in each League get amazing rewards! And these rewards get better and better as you League up. So, it's worth a shot! And if your club ranks first in your group, your club will be the Champion and will receive even more rewards!
Admins, Veterans, Moderator and Normal Members
The Club Leader can promote members to Veterans and Moderators or demote them to Normal members. If the club leader stays inactive for 15 days, another member of the club is automatically set to be the leader.
The game first checks the oldest (who started the game earliest) Moderator to see if they are available to be the Club Leader, then Veterans and then Normal members.
Please not that "active" here does not mean activity in the tournament. The game will see a member active if they perform any activity even if they don't contribute to club activities or tournaments.
Club Leader can also change the properties of a club (its badge, name etc) for 25 CL Cash.
Moderators and Veterans can accept new members to the club if the club is set to be joined by request only. Neither Veterans nor Moderators can kick the Club Leader but the Leader can kick everybody and accept new members to the club.
Moderators can kick a Veterans, or promote a member to Veteran, or demote a Veteran to a Normal member.
Moderators and Veterans can kick Normal members out of the club.
That sums up the Tournament and Leagues! Have any other questions? Contact us through the game!
If I leave a league were i am the only one that finished all the task will they lose all the points?
No. Points added to the total score doesn't get lost when someone leaves mid way...
But seems like leader can't promote others to leader, what will happen to other player if leader leave its ownself? Will the game ask you for who you wanna promte or just random promote?
This article doesn't tell me what the final rewards are for each place
How do you decide whether it's a Bronze Gift, Silver Gift and Golden Gift?
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